Comentarios en: Receta de potaje de garbanzos con espinacas casero Recetas de cocina, consejos, ideas, platos fáciles y rápidos, ingredientes y noticias. Todo en un solo lugar. Sun, 03 Oct 2021 23:05:30 +0000 hourly 1 Por: Ernesto Sun, 03 Oct 2021 23:05:30 +0000 Espectacular receta!!!

Por: Laura Sat, 03 Oct 2020 03:33:29 +0000 English Translation (not perfect but you get the idea)
Chickpeas with spinach.
A classic stew that is prepared for Lent. It is powerful, forceful, nutritious and very delicious.
400 grams of chickpeas
300 grams of spinach
1 onion
2 tomatoes
2 large garlic cloves
1 egg optional
a pinch of cumin
1 teaspoon of paprika (Pimenton)
2 bay leaves
olive oil.

Elaboration step by step
1. First of all, you have to soak the chickpeas the night before. Put them in a pot with plenty of water and a pinch of salt. Since they will grow in size, use a large pot.
2. The next morning remove the water and wash the chickpeas a little.
3. Put them in a large pot and add water until they are covered about 3 fingers on the top. Put the pot over high heat and when it breaks to a boil, lower the flame to a little more than half, add 2 bay leaves and cover.
4. Meanwhile you can prepare the sauce. Chop the onion, garlic cloves and tomatoes very small.
5. Put in a large skillet with a generous amount of olive oil and sauté the garlic, onion and tomato over medium heat. The idea is that they cook for a while, at a not very high temperature so that they do not burn
6. Add a little salt, pepper, cumin, paprika (pimenton), mix well and cook for another couple of minutes.
7. Meanwhile, the pot with the chickpeas should boil a long time. Allow a little more than 1 hour for the bean to begin to soften, when this happens, add the fried onion, garlic and tomato and mix well.
8. Let it cook for another half hour.
9. Check how the chickpea is going, if it is still hard, continue cooking for a while longer, if it is soft or very soft, lower the heat to the minimum.
10. Fill another pot with water and put on high heat. When it starts to boil, add the spinach and stir for no more than 1 minute. Remove them from the heat and strain them. The only thing you need is to blanch them to remove the bitterness from the leaf.
11. Now simply mix the spinach, drained, with the chickpeas.
12. Stir well and cook everything together for another 5 minutes.
13. After this time you can prep your stew for eating.

Now, here you can add one more step, optional. Take an egg, beat it apart in a cup, and slowly pour it into the pot so that threads form.

Stir a little and let it rest with the lid on and the heat off.
Now, everything is ready to eat an incredible and delicious dish of spinach with chickpeas. Accompany it with a splash of olive oil and bread.
